What does Techquity do – Part 2

Paul Steckler Avatar

A look at the actual work Techquity performs behind each of our service offerings and who this benefits as well as common engagement patterns. Part 1 is here.

Our technical assessments highlight the following needs:

Help Non-Technical CEOs Get the Most Out of Their Engineering Organizations

Often non-technical CEOs don’t have the expertise to ask the right questions of their engineering team to determine effectiveness or to provide useful guidance. Creating a baseline assessment gives these CEOs both a crash course in technology and a useful foundation from which to build expectations and future analysis — and often to establish a more productive working relationship with their CTO. Often, this includes advising CEOs on analyzing marketing, product and customer acquisition metrics to help them learn quickly and gain the ability to ask the right questions, shortening feedback loops and enabling better decision making. 

Provide Specific Domain Expertise to Early-Stage CTOs

Early-stage CTOs may not have much experience building and scaling technology stacks. Or they might have experience, but in a larger organization where the rules, expectations and budgets are different. Often, we encounter early-stage CEOs who simply don’t have necessary domain expertise for one or more of their key technology requirements. For example, we advised a startup building a complex data pipeline with a CTO who did not have extensive experience in building data pipelines. 

Design Reporting Metrics for Engineering Teams and Analyzing Team Dynamics

Engineering productivity metrics remain as much art as science. Pull requests can lie. There is much more to the dynamics of technology development than measuring sprint outcomes and mean-time-to-code integration. Behind all the metrics are people and complex human interactions. Often, we are asked to pull apart what is really happening inside of an engineering team and identify ways they can work together better. The first part of this is gaining an understanding of how the team works and whether it works together well. The second part is designing metrics and systems to measure performance and success. 

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